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Marital Support & Marriage Help Line For Problems

Couples sometimes struggle to cope with the pressures and strain that come with married life. To address these problems, it’s often a good idea to make contact with marital support services or a marriage help line who will be able to provide guidance from trained professionals. Scroll down for a selection of the most well-known marriage guidance charities and organisations.

Most Recommended Marriage Help Line and Counselling Service

Regain – Part of the world’s largest online therapy service with dozens of UK marriage therapists that you can video call, phone, and chat with after filling out their form. You are matched with the best suited therapist.

Marital Support Organisations for Help

They are the biggest, and most well-known provider of marriage counselling and relationship therapy in the UK, with over 150,000 clients a year and more than 600 centres in the UK.

Marriage Counselling For Marital Problems

There are a variety of routes couples can take when looking for marriage counselling online. Private therapy is a popular option with practitioners using techniques such as Psychodynamic therapy to confront issues. This particular approach attributes unresolved conflicts from the past to problems in the present.

Behavioural therapy is another popular method, encouraging the modification of behaviour patterns that may be having a negative effect on a marriage.

Alternatively, couples counselling agencies such as RELATE can prove helpful and have a proven track-record of working with relationship problems.

Marriage Guidance Helplines for Marriage Problems

Support Line – 0208 554 9004
They provide a confidential service for people experiencing marriage problems. Their operators are trained to provide support on any issue. They may also guide the caller to a selection of support services that specialise in particular areas.

Relate Help-line – 0845 130 4010
A helpline that provides support to couples experiencing marriage and relationship difficulties. Operators can also give callers information about counselling services.

Marital Difficulties Explained

Most couples experience periods of difficulty during a marriage. Debt, illness and infidelity can put a significant strain on marital life and sometimes cause separation or divorce. Poor communication can also be problematic, preventing couples from discussing and solving contentious issues.