Bullying is a common problem experienced by most people at one time or another in their lives. Often perpetrated by cowards and insecure people, the effects can be far-reaching.
Fortunately, there are numerous bullying support services available which can provide expert help and advice on how to deal with such an issue.
Bullying Charities and Organisations
Bullying Online
Set up to improve bullying awareness, this organisation offers help to children and teenagers experiencing school bullying. The site contains advice for teachers and parents, including tips for young people on how to deal with bullies.
Bully Online
Set up by Tim Field, this website provides information and resources for victims. This includes initiatives and campaigns for dealing with bullying in the workplace, school and family. They also provide tips on recognising and dealing with a variety of situations that might involve bullying.
Bully Counselling
Bullying counselling is intended for people suffering from all types of bullying. For adults, Group Therapy often enables victims to share their experiences with people in similar situations.
Humanistic Therapy may also prove helpful. As well as raising self-esteem the approach aims to improve assertiveness – a skill that can help people remove themselves from bullying scenarios.
Bullying Helplines
ACAS – 08456 474747
They specialise in improving employment relations and helping companies solve problems in the workplace. Their helpline is available for anyone who is suffering work-related bullying – operators provide confidential support.
Kids-cape – 08451 205 204
This is a registered charity established to prevent bullying and child abuse. Their helpline is intended to parents, relatives or friends who believe a child is being bullied. The staff will offer support and advice intended to help individuals who are suffering from bullying.
Bullying Explained
Bullying affects people of all ages and usually entails one individual subjecting another to physical or verbal harassment.
Child bullying is one of the most common examples and can take the form of name-calling, physical intimidation or assault. This can have a serious effect on a young person and has the potential to cause intense unhappiness. It may also induce feelings of inadequacy, shame, powerlessness and low self-esteem.
Adult bullying, particularly in the workplace, is equally prevalent but less reported. Examples of workplace bullying include humiliation, put-downs, unfair treatment, verbal abuse or the repeated allocation of excessive workloads. It may cause depression, lead to increased stress levels and be the cause of considerable anxiety for the victim.
There are many reasons why people bully or harass others including feelings of inadequacy or jealousy. Regardless of cause, bullies usually tend to victimise people who they see as vulnerable, easy targets.